Curious Servant's Art

Welcome! In my blog “Job’s Tale” I have shared about praying through art. Some readers have encouraged me to sell some of my art to help raise funds to rebuild Canby Alliance Church (burned as a result of my son playing with fire). Each post will display and describe a piece and the deadline for bids. The last bid will be the final price. You are free to use these images in any way you choose.

My Photo
Location: Canby, Oregon, United States

I have adopted two boys from Haiti. Both are mentally handicapped. One is is now 20, the other 18. I divorced my wife of 28 years a few years ago and have just remarried, a woman from Belize. I find beauty in many things... many, many things (nature, art, people, space...) and that helps me to survive my deep empathy for so many who suffer. I like to write, and I've written quite a bit on my blogs. I have been thinking about writing a book. Unsure if it should be about the things I have experienced, or fiction (I have an interesting plot line worked out). I'm pretty open about things. I like blended whiskey, but I never have more than two drinks... usually just one, and not often at that. I have had many adventures. Makes me a little different. (Odd?)

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Just Tossing Some Pics Here

I haven't done much with this blog in quite a while...

A friend wanted to share some of my art with someone, and I realized there isn't much here... So... I'm toss some pics onto the blog pile and I'll try to get back soon to put it in proper order...

Lion & Lamb
Somewhen not too long before this pic I hit on the idea of doing drawings using words written with Sharpies on a wall... Prayers. This was one of my firsts. No real lines... Just letters...


As my marriage was going through its final throes I spent a lot of time in prayer. It was mostly just heartfelt sharing of my hurt. I just really wanted to talk to the ordinary Jesus... The guy who was who He was before He became Rabbi, or Messiah. I wanted to talk to the ordinary man, the blue collar guy who worked on simple furniture, repaired doors and porches... While I prayed those prayers, this image emerged.

If you look closely at the half of the mustache on the left, you can clearly see some of the letter, His name... A good example of how I do this sort of thing.

The Lord's Servant
Some friends asked me to do the cover art for a charity Christmas CD. Though the color in this photo is yellowish due to lighting... it still gives another example. This image is about six feet square, all prayers and lyrics from the songs on the album... Mary receiving the Holy spirit, and becoming the virginal mother of God. Behind the Holy Spirit (the over sized dove) is the star of David representing God the Father. The body of water is from a photo I looked up of the Sea of Galilee.


No Title
This is just a sketch on a wall

Infant Messiah, Infinite Messiah
Once in a while I do a painting during a church service. This one was during a Christmas Service... It took about two hours and is done in acrylic paint. The image is based on a picture of my first son who died of SIDS.

Same as the painting above it, but done one year earlier.

OK... Now not everything I do is religious, theological, or has any meaning at all... Below are some drawings I did... mostly colored pencil... just for fun

Counter placed March 25, 2005